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I Love to Help
Together we have raised
5 162 649 €
From donators 3 652 215 €
From Swedbank 1 510 434 €
My Dream Day: Help make a seriously ill child’s DREAM come true!

My Dream Day: Help make a seriously ill child’s DREAM come true!

How does your donation help?

Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?

Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
30 300.80 €
632 donations
50 000.00 €

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How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

My Dream Day is a charitable foundation based mainly on the activities of volunteers and donations from businesses and individuals. We work to ensure that every child with a serious or chronic illness can enjoy their childhood and experience the positive emotions that give them the strength to cope with a difficult illness.

My Dream Day organises more than 100 dream events a year. The biggest wishes of some brave dreamers come true every week. Thanks to the doctors/nurses at Tallinn Children’s Hospital and Tartu University Children’s Hospital, and many patient associations with whom the fund cooperates, our personalised Dream Day programme reaches the very children who need a positive energy boost or an appreciative hug in their lives. 100+ volunteers work in the fund throughout the year, organising dream events for seriously ill children cross Estonia.

In addition to personalised dream days, we help crate bright and happy moments for hospitalised children. Fun characters in costume are eagerly awaited guests of the children at Tallinn Children’s Hospital and Tartu University Children’s Hospital, as they bring excitement to both the young and the old and help overcome the painful experiences associated with unpleasant procedures. Doctors have confirmed that positively minded children are also more receptive to treatment.

In order to bring special moments and experiences to as many children as possible, we organise several large family days every year, where children with similar experiences and their loved ones can have fun together in a supportive environment and spend quality time with their loved ones.


The support raised through the I Love to Help donation platform helps us organise personalised dream days, family days, events in children’s hospitals and brighten the lives of hospitalised children:

  • A monthly €5 donation of a permanent donor allows us to offer an experience at a water park to a dreamer and their family.
  • A monthly €15 donation of two permanent donors allows us to entertain hospitalised children with a fun character in costumer.
  • A monthly €25 donation of a permanent donor allows us to hire a professional host for a family day.

The organisation is included on the list of non-profit organisations eligible for income tax incentives. Read more about taxes here: Donations and taxes.

You can find more information about My Dream Day:


