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I Love to Help
Together we have raised
4 771 557 €
From donators 3 397 108 €
From Swedbank 1 374 449 €
YFU Estonia scholarship fund “Door to the World” – for a more tolerant Estonia!

YFU Estonia scholarship fund “Door to the World” – for a more tolerant Estonia!

How does your donation help?

Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?

Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
1 800.20 €
50 donations
7 200.00 €

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How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

Estonia of the future needs young people who are able to manage themselves, are creative, have good communication skills, are able to think critically and take risks if necessary. Language skills and international qualifications have become increasingly important. All this cannot be achieved at school alone. This is why YFU Estonia organises student exchange programs at the upper secondary level and offers exchange year opportunities for enterprising and curious young people who are willing to experience life in a new family and culture.

Your donations help us award scholarships to students with limited financial resources to make sure that the exchange year and the associated development opportunities are not dependent solely on financial resources of the young people.

The students participating in the programmes of YFU Estonia become responsible members of society with broad horizons and an ability to think critically about current events and courage to stand up for the values of an understanding and tolerant world. The YFU Estonia NPO included on the list of income tax incentive non-profit organizations.

We support the development of an open and active civic society by providing international educational exchange programmes to young people of 14-18 years of age, and to Estonian exchange families that host international exchange students.

We can award one scholarship per year if

  • 25 people donate €5 per month,
  • 12 people donate €10 per month or
  • 5 people donate €25 per month.

Even the smallest contribution helps young people closer to their dream!

The organisation is included on the list of income tax incentive non-profit organizations. Read more about taxes here: Donations and taxes.
