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I Love to Help
Together we have raised
4 782 812 €
From donators 3 408 363 €
From Swedbank 1 374 449 €
Estonian Fund for Nature: Help preserve Estonian nature!

Estonian Fund for Nature: Help preserve Estonian nature!

How does your donation help?

Kui lähedal oleme eesmärgi saavutamisele?

Annetusi kokku
Veel vaja koguda
19 929.13 €
773 donations
50 000.00 €
Project already completed. Thanks to all who contributed!

How does your donation help?

How does your donation help?

The EFN needs the donations to protect the nature. We have an extensive range of nature conservation activities: we restore thousands of hectares of mires, we organise about 60 conservation holidays annually in the habitats of endangered species, we work in bat hibernation sites to ensure uninterrupted hibernation – these are only a few examples of the daily work of the EFN. In addition, we work to help people understand the nature – see the simple consequences of complex climate changes, teach how we all can make small and simple steps towards a healthier and stronger nature.

Like many NGOs, much of the funding of the EFN is project-based and, therefore, we need the help of donors for activities that are not eligible for project applications. Donations enable us to participate in important public processes (such as development of a forestry strategy), respond to emergencies related to nature conservation, and provide projects with the required level of self-financing.

For the EFN, every donation is important. Even the smallest contribution matters – regularity is more important than the amount.

For your monthly donation of €5, we can, for instance:

  • guard the hibernation of 56 bats


  • rescue about 70 frogs from being run over during their spring migration.


For your monthly donation of €10, we can, for instance:

  • provide relevant advice for forest owners who are interested in continuous cover forestry


  • restore 80 m2 of residual drained peatland by reintroducing carbon-binding peat moss.


For your monthly donation of €25, we can, for instance:

  • clean one third of the feeding area of a single black stork


  • repair the winter quarters of 5 bats.
